LGC offers proprietary and DNA extraction solutions to deliver high quality DNA preparations. LGC DNA extraction kits include a range of different extraction technologies and reflect the capacity to develop tailor-made kit systems optimized to any particular application.
LGC reliable robotic equipment stands for high throughput in combination with high quality DNA extraction solutions, perfectly adapted to the proprietary chemistry.
The genomics services include high quality DNA and RNA extraction solutions customized to any application using specification of your project

Sample material can vary greatly in consistency as well as in sugar, protein and fat composition - all of which can affect the quality and purity of the extracted nucleic acid and the subsequent performance of downstream applications. To provide the most efficient and effective extraction method LGC offers not only a range of different extraction technologies but also the capacity to develop tailor-made kit systems optimized to a particular application.
The table below describes a number of the key features of each of LGC extraction kit technologies.
*1 Our surface-coated superparamagnetic particles do not require the use of vacuum filtration or centrifugation steps, hence they are well-suited to automation. | ||||||
sbeadex™ |
mag™ |
Kleargene silica |
Kleargene spin |
Matrix |
Surface-modified superparamagnetic particles |
Modified magnetic particles |
Silica particles |
Glass fibre solid support |
Mechanism of action*1 |
Novel two-step binding mechanism |
Classic polarity-based binding mechanism |
Classic polarity-based binding mechanism; |
Classic polarity-based binding mechanism; |
Format |
96-well |
96-well |
single tubes |
96 and 384-well |
Flexibility |
scalable protocols |
scalable protocols |
low to high volume extractions |
spin columns |
Optimized matrices |
Plant material, forensic samples, tissue and cells, bacterial cultures |
Whole blood, buffy coat, buccal swabs, bacteria, yeast, fungi |
Blood, tissue and saliva samples |
Plant tissue typically 100ng to 10µg |
Grade of automation |
Automated high-throughput extraction |
Automated high-throughput extraction |
Manual extraction |
Semi-automated high throughput extraction |
Benefits |
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