Sterisample: Cost-Efficient sampling system
Sterisample is a hypodermic sample port that makes it possible to take product samples from a vessel in an aseptic manner without disrupting production. It is suitable for a wide range of processes and production lines within food and some pharmaceutical applications. Prior to sampling, the port is sterilized with alcohol and the sample is taken by simply penetrating the special silicone membrane with a needle. In some cases Sterisample can reduce the cost of sampling by over 90 percent. Because of its ease of use, it increases productivity. Less time is required for cleaning and sterilization of the sampling device after use due to its port configuration.
產品特點 / Features
- Easy to use.
- Easy to cean/sterillize.
- Flanged on to a standard TC-flange or the Steriflange.
- Adaptation to a syringe or to a vessel by flexible hose depending on the sample volume.
- Cost effective sampling system by using standard syringes.
- Autoclavable.