Vistus高敏度通道式金檢機  |檢測相關|金屬檢測機|高敏度&經濟型金檢機


Vistus metal detectors are capable of detecting both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and are specifically designed for the food industry. They can be supplied mounted on a belt or chain conveyor, allowing an easy and fast integration into......

Metal Detector Vistus 高敏度通道式金檢機

Vistus metal detectors are capable of detecting both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and are specifically designed for the food industry. They can be supplied mounted on a belt or chain conveyor, allowing an easy and fast integration into your processing or packaging line.

Metal Detector Vistus
  • Sturdy and torsion free construction made of 1.4301/AISI304 stainless steel
  • High quality drives: maintenance free three-phase motor with worm gear or three phase drum motor
  • Maximum detection performance through optimum vibration control and metal free zone
  • Available standard coil sizes: 75 x 30 mm up to 275 x 60 mm
  • Extremely compact: control unit fully integrated in detection coil
  • Standard IP65 protection class, IP69K optionally available for enabling high pressure water cleaning
Technical Data Vistus
Product Speed 2 cm/s ... 20 m/s
Product Temperature -30°C to +55°C
Ambient Temperature Operation: -10°C to +55°C / Storage: -10°C to +70°C
Housing 1.4301 stainless steel (AISI 304)
Protection Rating IP65 (optional: IP69K)

更多產品資訊與規格,請洽免費服務專線0800-588990。 Free!!

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Vistus metal detectors are capable of detecting both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and are specifically designed for the food industry. They can be supplied mounted on a belt or chain conveyor, allowing an easy and fast integration into......