基因型鑑定分析試劑與服務LGC  |實驗室相關|檢測及取樣相關設備|基因型鑑定分析試劑與服務


As a provider of genotyping products and services for over 10 years, LGC takes great pride in helping customers everyday to obtain high quality genotyping results that advance their research goals.

Genotyping Solution 基因型鑑定分析試劑與服務
LGC Genotyping

As a provider of genotyping products and services for over 10 years, LGC takes great pride in helping customers everyday to obtain high quality genotyping results that advance their research goals.

LGC genomics KASP services

The KASP™ genotyping chemistry delivers accurate, flexible and cost-effective genotyping service solutions. Using our PCR-based KASP genotyping assay, in conjunction, with KASP Master mix, LGC is able to provide complete genotyping services to our customers. We run the largest genotyping laboratory of its kind in the world. We have a track record of delivering the highest quality data, delivering break-through cost savings across a huge range of project types, and working with hundreds of different species.

Genotyping and all-inclusive services

* Please contact us for detailed information price and turnaround time


Express Genotyping

Regular Genotyping

All-inclusive services


Starting at <£0.15 per datapoint

Starting at <£0.10 per datapoint

Starting at £0.95 per sample

Turnaround time (reference)

2 weeks

4 weeks

6 weeks


更多產品資訊與規格,請洽免費服務專線0800-588990。 Free!!

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As a provider of genotyping products and services for over 10 years, LGC takes great pride in helping customers everyday to obtain high quality genotyping results that advance their research goals.