線上樣品收集系統  |實驗室相關|檢測及取樣相關設備|線上樣品收集系統 (FlowFraction™ )


The FlowFraction™ is used with Seg-Flow sampling system for on-line fraction collection from up to eight vessels for further off-line analysis. It is customizable to accommodate a variety of tube, septum piercing, and temperature control.

FlowFraction™ on-line fraction collection system 線上樣品收集系統

The FlowFraction™ is used with Flownamics Seg-Flow sampling system for on-line fraction collection from up to eight vessels for further off-line analysis of your bioprocess. The FlowFraction system is customizable to accommodate a variety of tube types and sizes, septum piercing, and temperature control. Reagent addition and sample dilution may be performed prior to vial deposit with the optional Seg-Flow Sample Module. The FlowWeb™ software controls and monitors all sample collection functions. Internal flow paths are self cleaning after every sample cycle, ensuring no sample carryover or contamination.

產品特點 / Features
  • Multi-rack collection system
  • Accommodates a variety of tube and vial sizes
  • Septum piercing capable
  • Sample volumes from 250 µl to 50 ml
  • Peltier or liquid temperature controlled plate rack options
  • Sample dilution and reagent addition option available
  • Optional washstation for external needle cleaning
Additonal Features

The FlowFraction 400 is customizable to accommodate a variety of tube types and sizes. Temperature control options include peltier or external chiller plate. Septum piercing dispensing is standard with this fraction collector.

Liquid Temperature Control Rack Options: 2mL HPLC, 5mL, 15mL, 50mL
• up to two racks per plate

Peltier Rack Options: 96 well plate, 2mL HPLC, 5mL, 15mL, 50mL
• one rack per plate

(custom rack sizes available upon request)


更多產品資訊與規格,請洽免費服務專線0800-588990。 Free!!

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The FlowFraction™ is used with Seg-Flow sampling system for on-line fraction collection from up to eight vessels for further off-line analysis. It is customizable to accommodate a variety of tube, septum piercing, and temperature control.