H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>快速滅菌傳遞箱  |產程相關|無菌操作隔離器設備及充填系統|H2O2傳遞箱


SKANFOG® SARA is a safe and rapid material airlock with integrated SKANFOG® technology for a fast and gentle bio-decontamination transfer process. The stainless steel design is suitable for different cleanroom classifications.

SKANFOG® SARA - The airlock with gentle H2O2 decontamination by micro-nebulization H2O2快速滅菌傳遞箱

Safe and rapid transfer of precious content

應用需求 / Your Needs
  • A safe and rapid material transfer process
  • Interface between areas with different cleanroom classifications
  • A decontamination process that reduces the bioburden on materials passing through
  • Fully validated and automated transfer process
對策方案 / Our Solution

SKANFOG® SARA is a safe and rapid material airlock with integrated SKANFOG® technology for a fast and gentle bio-decontamination transfer process. The stainless steel design is suitable for different cleanroom classifications. With its modular design, SKANFOG® SARA is available in three standard sizes and can also be adapted to customer requirements. Even loaded, very rapid cycle times are available.

產品特點 / Features
  • Total kill of a 106 population of G. stearothermophilus can be validated and is reproducible
  • Once-through unidirectional airflow, integrated catalytic converter and powerful fan for fast decontamination
  • Smart airflow guidance means fewer interfaces and easy installation
  • Automatic leak testing before each decontamination cycle for maximum safety
  • Sealed doors with smart interlock system for minimised risk of bioburden and contamination
  • Very rapid cycle time
尺寸選項 / Size
  • „„Small: e.g. for pass-throughs „„
  • Medium: e.g. for loading car and transfer carriage
  • „„Large: e.g. for floor loading solutions „„
  • Customized: for special requirements

更多產品資訊與規格,請洽免費服務專線0800-588990。 Free!!

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SKANFOG® SARA is a safe and rapid material airlock with integrated SKANFOG® technology for a fast and gentle bio-decontamination transfer process. The stainless steel design is suitable for different cleanroom classifications.