Radio-isotope 放射性同位素抽風櫃 

Radio-isotope 放射性同位素抽風櫃

Radio-isotope 放射性同位素抽風櫃

Radio-isotope 放射性同位素抽風櫃


  • 對人員進行保護,通過DIN 25466 測試
  • 如果增加對輻射防護的需求,則在操作實驗時抽氣放射性物質
  • 防止滲入、汙染和外部輻射照射
  • 排出內部產生的煙霧、氣溶膠和顆粒物質,防止有毒有害汙染物滲入到實驗室
  • 預防櫃內有害氣體濃度過高以及可能形成的爆炸性危險
  • 防止化學液體濺射傷害
  • 預防懸浮顆粒或微粒從櫃內滲出傷害
  • 依照DIN 25466標準建造的抽風櫃,通常不適用於微生物實驗
  • 不適合開放式分解反應




Dimensions 1200 1500
Width [mm] 1200 1500
Depth [mm] 900
Height [mm] 2700
Clear width, intern al workspace [mm] 1150 1450
Clear heigl1t, intern al workspace [mm] 1053
Working height [mm ] 900
Filter housing, width x depth x height [mm] 820 X 775 X 674
Weight 1200 1500
Without installations and fume-scrubber [kg] Approx. 250 Approx. 300
Filter housing [kg] 90
Internal lining including worktop Polypropylene
  Stainless steel
Ventilation technology 1200 1500
Minimum air exchange rate [m3/h](1) 480 600
Pressure loss, filter [Pa](2) 25/200 30/235
Pressure loss, particle filter [Pa](2) 50/300 60/350
Pressure loss, active charcoal filter [Pa](2) 25/25 30/30
Function display FAZ
Airflow damper, constant Airflow-Controller AC
Airflow damper, variable Airflow-Controller AC
Connection height [mm ] for FAZ and AC with extract manifold 0 2 50 mm 305 0
Underbench exhaust As an option, depending on requirements and regulations


  • (1)所有排風量指標均為面窗開啟500 mm高度時(根據EN14175)測試的資料,跟蹤氣體最大值為德國標準(BG RCI )推薦的數值。
  • (2))壓力損失值是指清潔/污染的狀態。
    抽風櫃氣流閥的最大進氣壓力值不應超過600 Pa。
Filter (filter in the filter cabinet or on the fume cupboard roof)
Dimensions [mm) 610 x 610 x 46 (+ 8 mm seal)
Pressure loss [Pa) at 1900 m3/h 110
Design characteristics Filter element (fine particle filter); filter class EN 779: F7
Frame made of multilayer board with grip and type label on the 610-mm side; PU seal on the dust-laden air side
Use Fine particle filter for particle adsorption, e.g.: Oil smoke and agglomerated soot, tobacco smoke, metal oxide smoke
Average efficiency (Em) 80-90%
Particle filter (filter in the filter cabinet or on the fume cupboard roof)
Dimensions [mm) 610x 610 x 292 (+ 7 mm seal)
Pressure loss [Pa) at 2435 m3/h 250
Design characteristics Particle filter element type: Hepa Hl 3; efficiency: MPPS
Frame made of multilayer board wit h grip and type label on the 610-m m side; PU tight seat sea l on the clean air side; filter medium flush on the clean air side
Use Particle filter for the adsorption of particles up to Hl 3; particle adsorption 99.95 %; transmittance 0.05%
Active charcoal filter (filter in the filter cabinet)
Dimensions [mm) 610x 610 x 292 (+ 7 mm seal)
Pressure loss [Pa) at 600 m3/h 9
Design characteristics Activated charcoal cell 7C for 16 x activated charcoal cart ridges
Frame galvanised sheet metal; 2 x U hand le and type plate on the 610- mm side; PU tight seat seal on the clean air side
Use Standard impregnation: for all common radioactive materials, radioactive iodine compound s, radioactive iodomethane, radioactive gases. (A filter with filter class F7 in acc. with EN 779 is recommended.)


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Radio-isotope 放射性同位素抽風櫃

Radio-isotope 放射性同位素抽風櫃