Thermo Scientific Smart2Pure 超純水系統
代碼: TSS2PThermo Scientific GenPure Pro 超純水系統
代碼: TSGPPThermo Scientific GenPureCADPlus
代碼: TSGPP-1Thermo Scientific LaTower TI 自來水到純水
代碼: Type2-1Thermo Scientific Pacific TI| 自來水到純水
代碼: Type2-2ThermoScientific LabTower RO經濟有效的逆滲透解決方案
代碼: RO-1ThermoScientific Pacific RO
代碼: RO-2-1高效能排風櫃設計面風速0.3~0.5m/s,具有良好的抗干擾能力和稀釋能力,使其可保證在低風速狀態下依然非常安全。
代碼: ASHRAE110-1高效能落地排風櫃設計面風速0.3~0.5m/s,用於落地式儀器設備的應用,性能穩定,表現極佳。
代碼: ASHRAE110-2PP排風櫃設計面風速0.3~0.5m/s,整體PP結構,適用於腐蝕性極高的環境,PP具有較高的耐衝擊性,機械性質強韌,抗多種有機溶劑和酸鹼腐蝕。
代碼: ASHRAE110-3PP落地式排風櫃設計面風速0.3~0.5m/s,整體PP結構,適用於腐蝕性極高的環境,PP具有較高的耐衝擊性,機械性質強韌,抗多種有機溶劑和酸鹼腐蝕。用落地式儀設備的應用,性能穩定,表現極佳
代碼: ASHRAE110-4氫氟酸用排風櫃設計面風速0.5m/s,整體PP結構,適用於消解類型實驗,內置水沖系統。
代碼: ASHRAE110-5安全性經批雀在工作區域存放易燃危險物質
● 經爐中測試(種類測試),根據EN14470-1
● GS批淮,合EN14727 ● 耐火90分鐘
● 符合CE, FM批淮
SKAN production isolators for filling lines are used in many FDA-approved systems. Aseptic and aseptic/toxic filling machines meet the highest standards of our customers in terms of materials, qualification, handling and service.
代碼: SKAN-ISOLATOR-FILLThe Pharmaceutical Safety Isolator L-flange, PSI-L, is a modular isolator system with a unique L-shaped flange, which allows working equipment to be exchanged very quickly.
代碼: SKAN-PSI-LThe Pharmaceutical Safety Isolator – Modular based on a high-quality, state-of-the-art system was developed especially for aseptic and aseptic-toxic applications. Preferred areas are sterility testing, pharmacies, QC lab and industrial preparations.
代碼: SKAN-PSI-MThe SKAN BI® is a biological indicator for H2O2 decontamination processes. It was developed in close collaboration with operators, process engineers and QA personnel.
代碼: SKAN-BISKANFOG® SARA is a safe and rapid material airlock with integrated SKANFOG® technology for a fast and gentle bio-decontamination transfer process. The stainless steel design is suitable for different cleanroom classifications.
代碼: SKANFOG-SARAWirelessGT, the most advanced and fully automated glove leak testing system with pressure decay measurement for isolators and RABS in the pharmaceutical industry.
代碼: SKAN-WirelessGTThe FlowFraction™ is used with Seg-Flow sampling system for on-line fraction collection from up to eight vessels for further off-line analysis. It is customizable to accommodate a variety of tube, septum piercing, and temperature control.
代碼: Flownamics_FFractionThe FISP® is a sampling probe capable of withdrawing sterile, cell-free samples from fermentors and bioreactors. It allows direct on-line sample transfer to a variety of analyzers as well as collection for off-line analysis.
代碼: Flownamics_FISP_PROBThe Seg-Flow® Automated On-line Sampling System provides multiple bioprocess monitoring and control solutions for improving process performance.
代碼: Flownamics_Seg-Flow